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Wemag gutscheincodes & rabatte

3 gutscheine

Inexpensive Natural Gas With Ecological Benefits

We not only focus on environmental protection as a green electricity provider, our natural gas products also combine low prices with a special extra: For every new natural gas customer, we invest 10 euros in natural projects and environmental education.... more ››

Green Electricity For A Clean Environment

Do you expect more from your electricity provider than a reliable basic supply? Do you want an electricity supplier that is consistently ecological and fair? We do it. And you can support us directly. By purchasing your green electricity from us, you are helping us to continue actively tackling the energy transition. With expertise and down-to-earth attitude.... more ››

For Wemag Customers Only €5 Discount/Month

Customers with an existing electricity or natural gas contract at the connection address receive a permanent combined discount of €5 per month.... more ››