IQORO Vouchers: Treatment

March 28, 2019

IQORO Vouchers

IQoro is a neuromuscular training device and regime that exercises and strengthens the affected muscles and, via the oral cavity, activates the nerve system to and from the brain thus allowing it to rebuild, improve and regain its control over these functions.

success 100%
23 0

Other Vouchers for IQORO:

Swallowing Difficulties

Dysphagia means that a person finds it difficult to eat, chew, swallow and to transport the food from the mouth down to the stomach. The medical term dysphagia comes from the Greek ’dys’ meaning reduced or impaired, and ’fagein’ meaning to eat. [1] Dysphagia can occur in one or more of the levels in the swallowing process and is thus divided into different types. Dysphagia can strike at any time in life: from a newborn baby to adolescence, middle age, or when we become old. Here is a guide through the different types of dysphagia.... more ››